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Discovery Guides

Volume 5 | The Early Church Discovery Guide

The Early Church Discovery Guide contains questions for discussion and reflection, making it an ideal companion to the Early Church video series - the fifth volume of the "That the World May Know" series. You'll discover the passion and ...



Volume 5 | The Early Church Discovery Guide

The Early Church Discovery Guide contains questions for discussion and reflection, making it an ideal companion to the Early Church video series - the fifth volume of the "That the World May Know" series. You'll discover the passion and ...


A Far Country Decapolis

The Decapolis is mentioned by name only three times in the New Testament. In addition to these three instances, on at least two other occasions, Jesus visited specific locations in the largely pagan league of cities to the east of the Sea of Galil...


Acknowledging Jesus as Lord

As the early church grew, believers had two choices: (1) to go along with the pagan world in order not to create offense and endanger themselves and their families; or (2) to stand firm and declare that Jesus was Lord and risk suffering, even deat...



An Archaeological Treasure

The Dead Sea Scrolls have been called the greatest archaeological discovery of modern times. They have dramatically enhanced our understanding of the world of the New Testament, the teachings of John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus, and the early c...


Belvoir Fortress

The fortress of Belvior has both an outer fortification and an inner castle. A moat, hewn out of the same bedrock quarried to build the castle, encircles the structure on three sides. Towers stood in each corner and in the center of the outer wall...


Confronting the Hellenism of Today

Confronting the Hellenism of Today "Man," said the Greek philosopher Protagoras (481-411 BC), "is the measure of all things of what is and what is not." This philosophy provided the foundation for Hellenism, which was devoted...


Cultural Images in Jesus Teaching

Jesus used various word pictures and ideas that were familiar to the people of his time in order to communicate effectively with both religious Jews and pagans.The Bridegroom ImageFor example, Jesus described his deep love for his followers in ter...



Apse Definition

Semicircular recess in a wall, especially in a church or Roman law court.


Atrium Definition

Court of a Roman house, roofed at the sides and open in the middle; also the entrance to a Byzantine church.


Bedouins Definition

Nomads who live mainly in the wilderness areas of the Middle East. They speak Arabic and are generally Muslim. They retain a lifestyle much like that of the early biblical characters Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


Belial Definition

Hebrew meaning "useless." Came to be applied to the devil by the Essenes and the early Christians (2 Cor. 6).


Church Definition

A group of the followers of Jesus that meets in a certain place. Jesus calls the church his body. Most of the books of the New Testament are letters to churches.

