Volume 16 |
Volume 16 | Cultures In Conflict |
Volume 15 |
Volume 15 | A Clash of Kingdoms |
Volume |
15.2 | The Believers |
Volume 8 |
Lesson 8.1 | How Big is Our God? |
Volume 6 |
Lesson 6.4 | Living Stones |
Volume 1 |
Volume 1 | Promised Land |
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Light To The WorldIsrael was called "an olive tree, leafy and fair," because they shed light on all. Ancient Jewish Commentary on Jer. 11:16Olive trees and the abundance of oil they produce were significant in the lives of the people of ...
MOREWater in the WildernessThe waters of En Gedi provide a cool and refreshing refuge amidst the barren Judean Wilderness.Barely one hundred feet from the desolate wilderness, the oasis of En Gedi supports lush green growth. Nearby, a spring of water ...
MORE"...the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings - and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers." (Rev. 17:14)The Christian faith began with antagonism between the Jewish Temple authorities ...
MOREMy God is YahwehNames are important in Western culture. Parents choose names for their children after much thought and discussion. For the rest of a person's life, he is identified by the name he was given before birth. But the significance of nam...
MOREMasadaHerod the Great built and impressive fortress at Masada to showcase his own power, but it is remembered today as a symbol of the Jewish desire for freedom.' The mountain of Masada stands tall in Israel's Judea Wilderness. On top of this spe...
MOREHistory The leading city in the valley during the first century, Laodicea was destroyed by an earthquake in AD 60. According to Roman writer Tacticus, Rome offered to pay for the city to be rebuilt, but the people declined, saying that they were w...
MOREMarriage Customs In ancient Israel, when it was time for a man and woman to marry, both fathers would negotiate the bride price to compensate the bride-to-be's family. After exchanging a glass of wine to conceal the agreement, the couple was form...
MOREMegiddo stands on the southern edge of the Jezreel Valley and is probably the most famous battlefield in the world. In biblical times, Megiddo was one of three cities that guarded the Via Maris trade route. Standing near a critical mountain pass, ...
MOREBefore 1200 BC, bronze (a combination of copper and tin) was the predominant metal used in the Middle East. With a melting point of 1,100 degrees Celsius, bronze was softer than iron. And although it was a significant step beyond stone and wood, b...
MOREBelvoir's FortressBuilt by French Crusaders with a moat, outer walls, and an inner building, Belvoir looks like a European fortress transplanted onto Israel's soilBuilt by a group of French Crusaders, the Belvoir fortress stands in an area of nort...
MOREModern-day FishingToday fishermen catch the same fish and use the same nets as the disciples did. The Sea of Galilee is near the hills of today's Golan Heights and the Decapolis of Jesus' day. The cool wind blowing off the hills sinks rapidly onto...
MOREThis five-mile-long block of salt rises out of the ground at the southern tip of the Dead Sea. The barren conditions of the area are a stark reminder of the consequences of Lot's choice and his wife's disobedience. Some scholars believe that Sodom...