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8 Grains of Rice |
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Putting God on Display |
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8 Grains of Rice |
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Putting God on Display |
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Showing 11 of 95
Qumran - The SiteThe wilderness community of Qumran served as home for the Essenes, a Jewish sect existing in Jesus' day.Qumran served as a study site for the Essenes, a Jewish sect existing in Jesus' day. Located at the edge of the Judea Wilderne...
MOREThey Left Their Nets BehindBefore Jesus' time, few Israelites were fishermen. There was only one Hebrew word for fish, and it covered everything from minnows to whales. In Jesus' time, a small, flourishing fishing industry developed around the Sea...
MORE"This is what the Lord says: 'Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.'" Jeremiah 6:16 In the Hebrew to live is to walk! Enoch walked ...
MORESea of GalileeMuch of Jesus' ministry occurred around the Sea of Galilee, a beautiful sea set in the fertile and prosperous region of northern Israel.Much of Jesus ministry occurred around the Sea of Galilee, and he sometimes used the symbolism of...
MORETHE PEOPLE OF THE PALM BRANCHThe history of impassioned defense of freedom and the right to serve God alone was vivid in the collective memory of the people of Jesus' day. Only 150 years earlier, the deeply religious supporters of the Hasmonaeans ...
MOREMany Christians today recognize that salvation is a gift from God, so they place little emphasis on 'keeping the law' of the Bible. It is true that Jesus did away with 'law keeping' by obeying the law completely and by offering salvation through g...
MORETiberias Area Easily visible from Jesus' hometown of Capernaum, Tiberias, the regional capital built by Herod Antipas, stood on the western side of the sea. The city was shunned by religious Jews because it was supposedly built over a cemetery, ma...
MORELiving in CapernaumDuring his ministry, Jesus chose to live in Capernaum, a small town near the Sea of Galilee.During his ministry, Jesus chose to live in Capernaum, a small town near the Sea of Galilee. Capernaum served as a military post for the...
MORETombs varied greatly in appearance. The poor probably had nothing more than small underground chambers. Wealthier people, however, created extensive tombs cut into solid rock near the ground.Across the entrance, a large, flat, round tombstone (oft...
MOREIn the Middle East, floods in the desert are a frequent occurrence because of the topography of the land. The mountains to the north of the Negev and to the west of the Judea Wilderness get significant amounts of rainfall during the short rainy se...
MOREThe flocks of contemporary shepherds contain both sheep and goats. Although both were called "small cattle" in Hebrew, clear differences distinguish them. For instance, goats are generally dark and aggressive, while sheep are usually lig...