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Give us a King

Give Us A KingYou may have learned somewhere that God did not want Israel to have a king. Most Christian churches teach this to youngsters early in Sunday school. But it is wrong. God did want Israel to have a king; he just had a certain kind of k...


Gods of this World

People in the ancient world worshipped a multitude of different gods. Each had its own story, its own myth, of the origin, the character, the blessings and curses they offered, and the worship each demanded. These myths often recalled ancient even...




Gezer stands to the east of Israel's coastal plain, a fertile stretch of land that lines the Mediterranean Sea. To the east are foothills, called the Shephelah, beyond which lie the Judean mountains and the Arabian Desert. Only fifteen miles away ...


Gezer in the Bible

Gezer in the BibleThe strategic city of Gezer was mentioned several times in the Old Testament:- As the Israelites took possession of the Promised Land, Joshua defeated the king of Gezer:- Meanwhile, Horam king of Gezer had come up to help Lachish...


God as Rock and Fortress

Many parts of Israel are extremely rocky, especially in the wilderness. This geographical condition, combined with the Hebrews practice of using concrete images of the world around them to describe spiritual reality, led to the Jews frequent use o...


God With Us

The city of AradAs far back as 3,000 BC, a large Canaanite city stood in the Negev, where the small town of Arad sits today. This city probably existed when Abraham and his family lived in Beersheba, a nearby desert region.Arad was eventually dest...


God's Power over the Sea

The people of Jesus' day believed that God alone could rescue them from the evil of the sea.From the beginning, God had power over the formless, watery chaos. He brought order to the chaos, gathering the seas together to form dry land. He saw what...


Gods of Canaan

Who Was Baal? Baal was the primary god of the Canaanite fertility cults. He was often depicted as a man with the head and horns of a bull, who carried a lightening bolt symbolizing destruction and fertility.Baal supposedly won his dominance by def...


Goliath A Philistine Warrior

After finding carvings of Philistine soldiers in the temple of Ramses lll in Egypt, archaeologists discovered that the soldiers:- wore feathered helmets secured under their chins by leather straps. Headbands, probably of metal, held the feathers i...


Green Pastures

Many Westerners think of the "green pastures" mentioned in Psalm 23 as tall, lush grasslands like those in North America. But such pastures don't exist in Israel.The regions in Israel where shepherds live are predominantly wilderness are...



Goliath Definition

Perhaps the most well-known Philistine soldier. He taunted the Israelites and ridiculed God, but fell when David threw a stone.


Great Rift Valley Definition

Valley east of Israel where the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are located. Also known as the Jordan Valley.

