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The Philistines

The Old Testament frequently mentions the Philistines, a pagan people who clashed with God's children in the Promised Land. The Bible itself provides many interesting facts about Philistine culture, and archaeological discoveries have added to our...


The Shephelah

Shephelah is a Hebrew word meaning "low" and is usually translated "lowlands" or "foothills." The term refers to a twelve to fifteen-mile wide region in Judea, comprised of foothills that are located between the coast...


Via Maris

Its LocationThe Via Maris entered the Great Rift Valley from the east and continued south to the Sea of Galilee. It then turned southwest into the Valley of Jezreel and cut through the ridge of Mount Carmel to reach the coastal plain. After arrivi...



Ziklag Definition

City in southern Judea controlled by Philistines. Achish, king of the Philistine city of Gath, gave Ziklag to David before David became king of Israel. David used the city as a base to expand his power with the people of Judea.

