
You Searched "Psalm 63:1"

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Rabbi and Talmidim

Rabbi and TalmidimThe people of Galilee were the most religious Jews in the world in the time of Jesus. This is quite contrary to the common view that the Galileans were simple, uneducated peasants from an isolated area. This perspective is probab...


The Lord is my Shepherd

The WildernessWe may not want to face the wilderness, but the "rocks" of life are the very places where God often brings sweetness into our lives.Rugged wilderness covers much of Israel. The two most prominent deserts are the Judea Wilde...




The biblical reality that God hates sin and will eventually punish it is reinforced in the stories of the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the conquest of Canaan, and the exile of the Israelites.Sabbath Law. God made the Sabbath principle central to his...


Quiet Waters in the Wilderness

After the rainy season and floods have passed, pools of water remain in the wadis, providing life to wilderness inhabitants.This pool in Wadi Zin in the Negev is a beautiful illustration of the still waters to which the shepherd guides his sheep. ...



The great teachers (rabbis) during Jesus' day used a technique that was later called remez. In their teaching, they would use part of a Scripture passage in a discussion, assuming that their audience's knowledge of the Bible would allow them to de...


Scenes from En Gedi

En Gedi is the home of desert goats known as ibex. These heavy- horned males and graceful does graze on the sparse grasses in the surrounding desert. The only available water for miles around is the spring of En Gedi. This photograph doesn?t exact...


Scenes from En Gedi- Ibex

En Gedi is the home of desert goats known as ibex. These heavy- horned males and graceful does graze on the sparse grasses in the surrounding desert.The only available water for miles around is the spring of En Gedi. This photograph doesn?t exactl...


Scenes from En Gedi-Pools in the Desert

The desert around En Gedi is hot, barren, and dry. God's promise to his people was to turn the desert into "pools of water" (Psalm 107:35). Even the barrenness is made fruitful by the living water from God.The water and shade seen in thi...


Scripture Word Pictures

The early writers and readers of the Scriptures viewed their world in concrete, rather than abstract, terms. Because of this, they used word pictures and symbolic actions rather than formal definitions to describe God and his relationship with his...



Shepherding was a way of life for biblical people. Abraham, the father of the Jews, was a shepherd, as was Moses, the great lawgiver (Ex. 3:1), and David, the king who established Israel's national identity (1 Sam. 17:28).As the land was settled, ...


Synagogue Beginnings

There are many theories about the origin of a gathering place called "synagogue." The Greek word for synagogue means "assembly" and is used in place of the Hebrew word meaning "congregation" or "community of Isra...


The Fortress Masada

The plateau Masada is located in the remote Judean desert. Because this desert was bordered by the more fertile mountain ridge of the land of Israel, Masada was close to more hospitable areas.The attraction of the location for Herod was that he co...

