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Bethlehem - Jesus' Birthplace

Today the town of Bethlehem is much larger than it was in Jesus' day. But despite its small size in biblical times, Bethlehem was the location of significant historical events. Discovering its history helps us appreciate why the town was the perf...


Biblical Covenants

Biblical CovenantsSimilar to a business agreement or contract made today, in the ancient Near East, there was a special covenant form in which a greater party (usually a king), established a relationship with a lesser party (a vassal). The greater...


Biblical Names

In biblical times, a good name meant more than a good reputation. People understood that a name expressed the essence or identity of a person.In the Near East, a person's name identified something about their character or circumstances, such as bi...



Herod seized an opportunity to control world trade by building a seaport on Israel's coast, where the sea routes and the predominant land route intersected. Caesarea was a glorious city, covered with marble, and symbolizing the vast wealth that He...


Caesarea Philippi

Located in the northeastern part of Israel at the foot of Mount Hermon, lay Caesarea Philippi, a pagan city built by Herod Philip, a son of Herod the Great.For many years, people in this area had worshiped false gods, including Baal (Josh. 11:16-1...



Gezer, Dan, Arad-these place names have little meaning for most Bible readers. But they did mean something to the writers of the Text. These places brought certain pictures and events to mind, much like the names "New York," "Hicksv...


City Daughters

City DaughtersA city king's influence often extended beyond the city walls. Major cities, such as Gezer, had smaller villages, known as "daughters," that cropped up outside the city walls. Unlike a city, these villages were not walled. T...



Bronze Sea Definition

Bronze basin at the entrance to the tabernacle used for ceremonial purification before sacrifices were made. It also symbolized God's forgiveness after sacrifices were made. Solomon commissioned a large basin for the temple at Jerusalem. It was ov...


Business District Definition

Although not named by many ancient sources, this district inside the Second Wall held many shops and markets. Jesus walked through the area on market day on his way to the cross.


Canaan Definition

Old Testament name for the Promised Land. It means "land of purple," referring to the color of the dye produced from shellfish along Canaan's coast. Canaan is at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea where Asia, Europe, and Africa com...


Cherem Definition

Hebrew word meaning "totally given to the Lord," often through destruction. Only God's judgment could reclaim anything placed under this curse.


Christ Definition

The title of Jesus that means "annointed" or "chosen one" in Greek. The Hebrew word is "Messiah." Jesus Christ is God's chosen one to bring salvation to his people.

