As the gospel of Jesus spread across a Gentile world unfamiliar with the teachings and culture of the Jews, the early church faced an interesting challenge %u2013 meeting different cultures in their own context to demonstrate the redeeming power o... MORE
The exodus from Egypt was a metaphor for God's greater redemption story, the restoration of shalom from the chaos of the evil one. His purpose was to invite Israel into a greater story than the one of their bondage, eventually unveiling a plan of ... MORE
When the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt, the Promised Land awaited them, but first God led them into the desert. The time they spent there would not only get them out of Egypt geographically, but would also remove its influence from thei... MORE
When the tabernacle was established among the Israelites, God came and lived among His people. Its design, construction, and function revealed much of His character, which proved to be completely unlike that of any gods the people had ever known. ... MORE
When the Israelites left Egypt and began their journey with God to the Promised Land, how much did they know of their past history? Some, like Moses' parents, seemed to have retained a knowledge and faith in the God of their fathers, but the Bible... MORE
Jesus left heaven to be born in a filthy shepherd’s stable, as if to say, “I’ll leave heaven to enter the brokenness of your world.” Much of His teaching ministry, though, took place in a very different sort ... MORE
Followers of Jesus believe that the Bible contains the inspired revelation of the Creator of the universe. “Gospel” is the word that’s often used – the good news that God is redeeming a broken world through His So... MORE
The people of the Bible lived in temple-building cultures. Temples provided pagan gods with a place to live, keeping them close to the people who worshiped them. Even Israel did the same – first Solomon, then Nehemiah and Zerubbabel, and eve... MORE
When the Israelites left Egypt, they were finally free. Free from persecution, free from oppression, and free to worship their own God. But with that freedom comes a new challenge learning how to live together the way God intends. In this ninth vo...
Are you passionate about your walk with Jesus? Why is it often easier to be excited about hobbies, sports, homes, and occupations than about our faith? Walk As Jesus Walked: Making Disciples, a small group video series curriculum, presents teacher...
The Early Church Discovery Guide contains questions for discussion and reflection, making it an ideal companion to the Early Church video series - the fifth volume of the "That the World May Know" series. You'll discover the passion and ...
When the Israelites left Egypt, they were finally free. Free from persecution, free from oppression, and free to worship their own God. But with that freedom comes a new challenge learning how to live together the way God intends. In this ninth vo...
Are you passionate about your walk with Jesus? Why is it often easier to be excited about hobbies, sports, homes, and occupations than about our faith? Walk As Jesus Walked: Making Disciples, a small group video series curriculum, presents teacher...
The Early Church Discovery Guide contains questions for discussion and reflection, making it an ideal companion to the Early Church video series - the fifth volume of the "That the World May Know" series. You'll discover the passion and ...
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