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Misguided faith

Belvoir's FortressBuilt by French Crusaders with a moat, outer walls, and an inner building, Belvoir looks like a European fortress transplanted onto Israel's soilBuilt by a group of French Crusaders, the Belvoir fortress stands in an area of nort...


Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel, which literally means "God's vineyard," is a mountain range running about thirteen miles southeast in the western Jezreel Valley. This part of Israel receives thirty inches of rain each year and is the most heavily forested...


Mount Hermon

This high mountain range reaches more than 9,000 feet above sea level, is 28 miles in length, and is more than 10 miles wide. It is covered with snow more than eight months a year. Water from melting snow is the main source of water for the Jordan...



Mikveh Definition

A ritual bath containing living water. Observant Jews would wash head, heart, hands, and feet as a symbol of purity before God.


Minerva Definition

Roman goddess of wisdom and skill. Daughter of Zeus.


Moab Mountains Definition

Mountain range east of the Dead Sea where the nation of Moab lived.


Mount Arbel Definition

Mountain ridge 1,000 feet above the Sea of Galilee. Site of a brutal battle in 38 BC between Galilean Jews and Herod the Great for control of Galilee.


Mount Carmel Definition

Mountain ridge in Israel that divides the Valley of Jezreel from the coastal plain. Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal here.


Mount Ebal Definition

Mountain near the city of Shechem where an altar to God was built. Joshua gave the curses of the covenant on this mountain (the blessings of Mount Gerizim) when he renewed the covenant after entering the Promised Land, as Moses had commanded him.


Mount Gerizim Definition

Mountain near the city of Shechem where Joshua pronounced the covenant blessings (the curses on Mount Ebal) when he renewed the covenant after entering the Promised Land, as Moses had commanded him.


Mount Gilboa Definition

Mountain on the southern edge of the Valley of Jezreel. Saul and Jonathan died here.


Mount Hermon Definition

Mountain on the northern border of Israel. More than 9,000 feet above sea level, it is often covered with snow. Water from this mountain forms the Jordan River.

