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Fertility Cults of Canaan

Fertility Cults of CanaanOnly recently have scholars begun to unravel the complex religious rituals of Israel's Canaanite neighbors. Much of our knowledge of the origins and character of these fertility cults remains tentative and widely debated. ...


Give us a King

Give Us A KingYou may have learned somewhere that God did not want Israel to have a king. Most Christian churches teach this to youngsters early in Sunday school. But it is wrong. God did want Israel to have a king; he just had a certain kind of k...



City Gates in the Bible

City Gates in the Bible Since gates were the center of city life, it is not surprising that scripture writers often described important officials as "sitting in the gate." Understanding the important role of city gates brings new light t...


Confronting Evil

The CityAncient Beth Shemesh guarded the Sorek Valley of Israel's Shephelah; a place where the pagans and the Israelites often interacted.Beth Shemesh stands in Israel's Shephelah;foothills lying between the coastal plain and Judea Mountains. Seve...


Goliath A Philistine Warrior

After finding carvings of Philistine soldiers in the temple of Ramses lll in Egypt, archaeologists discovered that the soldiers:- wore feathered helmets secured under their chins by leather straps. Headbands, probably of metal, held the feathers i...



Coastal Plain Definition

Flat, fertile area of Israel along the Mediterranean Sea that comprises the Plain of Sharon in the north and Philistine territory in the south.


Dagon Definition

A Philistine god. Recent evidence indicates that he was the grain god responsible for fertility.


Dan Definition

One of the twelve Hebrew tribes originally placed between the Philistines and Judah. They migrated north and established the city of Dan as the northern border of Israel.


Ekron Definition

One of the five Philistine city-states, it is the one closest to the Judea Mountains.


Gath Definition

One of the five Philistine city-states. Goliath was born here.


Gaza Definition

One of the five Philistine city-states. Samsom was born here.


Goliath Definition

Perhaps the most well-known Philistine soldier. He taunted the Israelites and ridiculed God, but fell when David threw a stone.

