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When Storms Come

Sea of GalileeMuch of Jesus' ministry occurred around the Sea of Galilee, a beautiful sea set in the fertile and prosperous region of northern Israel.Much of Jesus ministry occurred around the Sea of Galilee, and he sometimes used the symbolism of...



Timing of Jesus' Death

There is an abundant amount of evidence both in Scripture and in the religious practices of the Jews that God carefully planned the timing of Jesus' death and resurrection. The following are just a few examples of God's planning:Prophecies Prophec...


To be a Talmid

Living in CapernaumDuring his ministry, Jesus chose to live in Capernaum, a small town near the Sea of Galilee.During his ministry, Jesus chose to live in Capernaum, a small town near the Sea of Galilee. Capernaum served as a military post for the...



Tombs varied greatly in appearance. The poor probably had nothing more than small underground chambers. Wealthier people, however, created extensive tombs cut into solid rock near the ground.Across the entrance, a large, flat, round tombstone (oft...


Via Maris

Its LocationThe Via Maris entered the Great Rift Valley from the east and continued south to the Sea of Galilee. It then turned southwest into the Valley of Jezreel and cut through the ridge of Mount Carmel to reach the coastal plain. After arrivi...



In the Middle East, floods in the desert are a frequent occurrence because of the topography of the land. The mountains to the north of the Negev and to the west of the Judea Wilderness get significant amounts of rainfall during the short rainy se...


Water for the Sheep

The availability of water was the most important survival factor in the desert. Several biblical images about searching for water came from the Israelites' experiences of wilderness wandering. One such example is conveyed in Psalm 63:1, where the ...


Water Systems

The Importance of WaterBecause Israel is such an arid country, water has always been important to its inhabitants. Many cities were built only where it was certain fresh water was available. When a city was small, a nearby spring, well, or cistern...


Wet Feet

The JordanThe Jordan River, mentioned nearly 200 times in the Text, is one of the fastest flowing rivers of its size.As a prominent feature in ancient Israel, the Jordan River was mentioned nearly 200 times in the bible. Its fast flowing waters cr...


What is a Tel?



Venus Definition

Roman god of love and beauty. Daughter of Zeus and Dione (or did she spring from the sea?)


Way of the Sea Definition

During Biblical times, Israel was located at the crossroads of the world, where the trade of the civilized world passes through. Since the Arabian desert was in between the empires of Egypt and Mesopotamia (Persia, Babylon, Assyira), the only trad...

