Devotional |
A Beautiful Temple |
Devotional |
A Beautiful Temple |
Devotional |
A Beautiful Temple |
Devotional |
A Beautiful Temple |
Devotional |
A Beautiful Temple |
Devotional |
A Beautiful Temple |
Devotional |
A Beautiful Temple |
Devotional |
A Beautiful Temple |
Showing 12 of 535
From Galilee to AsiaThe remains of the towns and villages of Galilee give evidence to the simple lifestyle of the Jewish people of the first century. Few were wealthy or poor. Most were hardworking people living comfortable lives as extended famil...
MOREThere are many opinions as to exactly what John referred to when he wrote these phrases in Revelation 2:13: "where Satan has his throne" and "where Satan lives." No one knows whether he had in mind a specific temple or pagan pr...
MORERevolt against Rome by the Jewish people that resulted in the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem in AD 70.
MORECutting skin into strips and pulling it off of a living victim. Flaying was used by the Assyrians to torture their captives.
MOREA design or series of low-relief sculptures forming an ornamental, horizontal band around a room or between the architrave and cornice of a building.
MOREThe northern part of the land of Palestine. Jesus grew up in the town of Nazareth, in Galilee, and did a lot of his teaching ministry here.
MOREAramic, meaning "camel," because from a distance this ridge in the Golan Heights (Gaulanitis) looks like a camel's hump. Located north and east of the Sea of Galilee. Home to nationalistic Pharisees (Zealots) who sought deliverance from ...