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MezuzahAttached to the doorpost of every religious Jewish home is a small container called a mezuzah. Inside the mezuzah is a rolled parchment inscribed with verses from the Bible. A Jewish person entering the house touches the mezuzah and then ki...




Marriage Customs In ancient Israel, when it was time for a man and woman to marry, both fathers would negotiate the bride price to compensate the bride-to-be's family. After exchanging a glass of wine to conceal the agreement, the couple was form...



Megiddo stands on the southern edge of the Jezreel Valley and is probably the most famous battlefield in the world. In biblical times, Megiddo was one of three cities that guarded the Via Maris trade route. Standing near a critical mountain pass, ...


Metalworking in the Middle East

Before 1200 BC, bronze (a combination of copper and tin) was the predominant metal used in the Middle East. With a melting point of 1,100 degrees Celsius, bronze was softer than iron. And although it was a significant step beyond stone and wood, b...



What is a Mezuzah?A small container called a mezuzah is attached to the doorpost of every religious Jewish home. This mezuzah contains a small, rolled up piece of paper with Bible verses inscribed on it (the text of Deut. 4:4-9; 11:13-21). Upon en...


Misguided faith

Belvoir's FortressBuilt by French Crusaders with a moat, outer walls, and an inner building, Belvoir looks like a European fortress transplanted onto Israel's soilBuilt by a group of French Crusaders, the Belvoir fortress stands in an area of nort...


Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel, which literally means "God's vineyard," is a mountain range running about thirteen miles southeast in the western Jezreel Valley. This part of Israel receives thirty inches of rain each year and is the most heavily forested...


Mount of Beatitudes

Tradition holds that this is the place where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7). There is no concrete evidence to support this belief because the exact location is not specified in the Scriptures. However, this slope is in the righ...



Masada Definition

A fortress expanded by Herod the Great to include a palace; on a mountain plateau on the Dead Sea's shore near Idumaea. David wrote, "The Lord is my rock and my fortress" (Ps. 18:2), a possible reference to this flat mountain plateau. Al...


Masada Definition

A fortress expanded by Herod the Great to include a palace; on a mountain plateau on the Dead Sea's shore near Idumaea. David wrote, "The Lord is my rock and my fortress" (Ps. 18:2), a possible reference to this flat mountain plateau. Al...


Messiah Definition

A Hebrew word meaning "anointed" or "chosen one." The Greek word used in the New Testament for "anointed" is Christ. In the Old Testament, God promised to send a special person called the Messiah. This new king would ...


Mount Tabor Definition

Mountain at the northeast edge of the Valley of Jezreel. Site of the battle between Deborah and Barak and Jabin, king of Hazor.

