Friday, Mar 8 @ 7:00 PM — Saturday, Mar 9 @ 12:00 PM
Ray Vander Laan will be with us live and in person to share: New Treasures and Old: Jesus and His Bible (Matthew 13:52). Spend Friday evening from 7 pm - 9 pm and Saturday 9 am to 4 pm, with Ray Vander Laan. Jesus came to a Jewish world the knew their Bibles well. He taught as a Rabbi, telling stories, using the Hebrew Bible as Jesus interpreted the text in the light of the fact he was the promised Messiah. This seminar will consider the 'Jewish' character of Jesus' teaching tracing his lessons to their roots in the ancient text. Join us to discover new depth in the Gospels.
Box Lunch will be provided on Saturday, the event will be held at The United Methodist Church of Webster.
Cost of the weekend is $35. Reserve your tickets here