
City Daughters

City Daughters

A city king's influence often extended beyond the city walls. Major cities, such as Gezer, had smaller villages, known as "daughters," that cropped up outside the city walls. Unlike a city, these villages were not walled. They depended on the mother city for commerce, protection, and justice.
To enjoy the protection and order of the city, "daughter" hamlets needed to be on good terms with the city's king. To gain his favor, these villagers would pay taxes and remain loyal to the king. In return, the king extended his role of provider and protector to these outer villages as well.

Jesus said, " '... Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children' " (Luke 23:28). He may have been referring to both the women of Jerusalem and the small surrounding villages that received the initial fury of the Roman destruction that he predicted.

God's People as Daughters
Like daughter cities, God's people were called to be humble and loyal before their King. Their were told to have "broken and contrite" hearts, recognizing their need for God's salvation from the enemy of sin. Today, Christians continue to come before our King with broken and contrite hearts. And because God carried out his salvation plan through the Messiah, our standing before the King now depends on our relationship with his Son, Yeshua.