24 of 418 Glossary
The platform on which the ruler of the city sat. The presence of the ruler or king ready to pass judgment in the gate of the city is behind the prophet Amos' plea for "justice in the city gate."
Roman goddess of marriage, very jealous wife of Zeus, queen of gods.
Roman god of the sky, supreme god. Son of Saturn.
Corner; also, wing.
Deep wadi forming the eastern border of Jerusalem between David's City and the Mount of Olives. The spring of Gihon and the garden of Gethsemane are in this valley.
Major trade route east of the Jordan Valley. It was a more difficult road to travel than the Via Maris.
Head covering worn by observant Jews out of respect to God; similar to a yarmulke.
City just north of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus performed many miracles. Jesus condemned the city for its unbelief.
Key city in the southern Shephelah. It was destroyed by the Assyrians during the reign of Hezekiah, and later by the Babylonians and Nebuchadnezzar.
Jesus is called the Lamb of God. He was sacrificed like a lamb to take away the sins of God's people. (See Passover ).
A military designation. Composed of spear men, archers, tacticians/strategists, cavalry, and reserves. Some of the best Roman legions, including the tenth, were stationed in Israel during the first century. Legion also was used to describe a host of demons or an army of angels.
The word used in the Bible for different skin diseases and infections.
A sea monster.
(in all capital letters) refers to the personal name of God. The Hebrew word for this name is Yahweh, which means "I AM WHO I AM." This name tells us that God is always with his people.'%uFFFD
(in small letters or initial capital) means "master" or someone who is in control. The early followers of Jesus said "Jesus is Lord" to mean that he has authority over everything.
The district of Jerusalem that housed most of the common people during Jesus' day. It was built on the slope of the Western Hill, reaching into the Tyropean Valley; where Jesus sent the blind man to wash the mud from his eyes in the Pool of Siloam.
Family of high priest Mattathias and his son Judah, who revolted against oppressive Antiochus, king of Syria, a Selucid Greek; Judah cleansed the Temple after defilement by the Syrians. The Jews remained free, ruled by the Maccabees (family name: Hasmonaean) until 63 BC. The Maccabee symbol of a palm branch became a national symbol of freedom. Hanukkah (or the Feast of Dedication) celebrated Judah Maccabee's cleansing of the Temple.
Market where food is sold.
From Greek "raving" or "frantic," refers to female followers of Dionysus.
Living water. Referring to water coming "directly from God" via rain or stream, etc.
Means "What is it?" Manna was the name the Israelites gave the special food God provided to them in the desert. It was a white, bread-like, sweet-tasting food that would show up on the ground in the morning (Ex. 16:14-36). Jesus says he is like manna. He is the bread of life that can truly fulfill God's people.
One of the writings of the Essenes found among the Dead Sea Scrolls; it describes the rules of the community.
The great king Herod imported marble from Italy to build his glorious city of Caesarea. Many of Herod's cities and buildings were covered with this stone. He built these magnificent structures so people would remember him and honor him as a great king. Herod lived for himself. Because he built only for himself, nothing is left but ruins.
During Biblical times, a young man who wanted to marry would accompany his father to the chosen woman's house, where she and her father would be present. They'd negotiate a steep "bride price"%u2014the money or physical items that the woman's father would ask for in exchange for giving up his valuable daughter.
Then the young man's father would hand his son a cup of wine. The son, in turn, would offer it to the women and say, "This cup I offer to you." In effect, he was saying, "I love you, and I offer you my life. Will you marry me?" If she drank it (sealing their engagement), she accepted his life and gave him hers. If not, she simply declined.