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Feeding the Flock

Both the settled shepherds living along the fringes of the wilderness and the nomadic wilderness shepherds pastured their sheep on barren hillsides unsuitable for farming.Visitors to the Near East wonder how sheep found food on these hillsides. Ye...

Fertility Cults of Canaan

Fertility Cults of CanaanOnly recently have scholars begun to unravel the complex religious rituals of Israel's Canaanite neighbors. Much of our knowledge of the origins and character of these fertility cults remains tentative and widely debated. ...

First Fruits

The City of JerichoAs one of the few gateways into the Judean Mountains, Jericho was a natural place for the Israelites to begin conquering the Promised Land.Jericho has a fascinating location and history. It is the lowest city in the world (more ...

First Fruits Definition

The first crops that God's people would collect from their fields and give to God. This was a sign that everything the land produced belonged to God. In the New Testament, firstfruits is the first part of a blessing that is received as a promise o...

First Jewish Revolt Definition

Revolt against Rome by the Jewish people that resulted in the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem in AD 70.

Five Candidates for Satan's Throne

There are many opinions as to exactly what John referred to when he wrote these phrases in Revelation 2:13: "where Satan has his throne" and "where Satan lives." No one knows whether he had in mind a specific temple or pagan pr...

Flaying Definition

Cutting skin into strips and pulling it off of a living victim. Flaying was used by the Assyrians to torture their captives.

Flutes Definition

Vertical channels cut in the sides of columns.

Forum Definition

Roman marketplace.

Fresco Definition

Design created by painting water colors onto wet plaster.

Frieze Definition

A design or series of low-relief sculptures forming an ornamental, horizontal band around a room or between the architrave and cornice of a building.

Frigidarium Definition

Cold room in Roman baths.