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Diagram of a Tel

By cutting through the layers of civilization and examining the artifacts, structures, and even human remains, archaeologists can reconstruct the lifestyle of a community. Pottery styles change over time, and since pottery is virtually imperishabl...

Diana Definition

Roman god of marriage, chastity, hunting, and moonlight. Twin sister of Apollo, daughter of Zeus and Leto.

Diolkos Definition

From Greek, "to haul," road over which sailors hauled goods from one harbor to another.

Dionysus Definition

Greek god of wine, fertility, and vegetation, god of the theater. Son of Zeus and Semele, the Theban princess.

Dionysus Temple and Cult Center

Originally built in the third century before Christ, this small, beautiful temple was remodeled by the Romans. It was approached by a twenty-five-step stairway at the end of a 770-foot terrace. Here, people worshiped Dionysus, the fertility god of...

Dipteros Definition

Temple surrounded with two rows of columns.

Disciple Definition

The Hebrew word for disciple is talmid. This word stresses the relationship between rabbi (teacher or master) and disciple (student). A talmid of Jesus' day would give up his entire life in order to be with his teacher. The disciple didn't only se...

Dome of the Rock Definition

The Muslim mosque built in the seventh centurion the Temple Mount. The presence of this mosque makes it impossible to excavate the Mount.

Drusilla Definition

The daughter of Agrippa l.

Dust of the Rabbi, Part 1

In these audio teachings, Ray shares his knowledge of Jewish History and Biblical Culture.

Dust of the Rabbi, Part 2

In these audio teachings, Ray shares his knowledge of Jewish History and Biblical Culture.

Dust of the Rabbi, Part 3

In these audio teachings, Ray shares his knowledge of Jewish History and Biblical Culture.